Dental freezing can last between 60–90 minutes, though the duration may vary. It might take up to a few hours for you to completely regain feeling. […]
Do Cavities Cause Bad Breath?
The bacteria that thrive in cavities can produce an unpleasant odour contributing to bad breath. However, cavities alone don’t directly cause bad breath. […]
Can You Replace a Missing Tooth?
Common dental treatment options for replacing a missing tooth can include dental implants or bridges. […]
Are Dental Implants Painful?
Many people wonder if dental implants are painful, but with local anesthesia, you shouldn’t feel anything more than some pressure on your gums. […]
What Are Dental Inlays and Onlays?
Our teeth are extremely hard, but over time they weaken if we don’t care for them properly. Additionally, external forces can damage them by chipping or breaking them. This article will discuss a couple of ways your dentist can repair your teeth. You’ve likely heard of fillings and crowns, but two other treatment options called […]
Are Cavities Contagious?
Without proper dental care, you may experience a cavity. Cavities can seem like nothing, but decay can significantly affect the functionality of your tooth. Cavities develop due to bacteria, so are they contagious? Continue reading to learn more about cavities, including how they develop and if they’re contagious. What Are Cavities? Cavities, also known as […]