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Category: Dental Health

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Can Teeth Be Whitened If Enamel Is Damaged?

A woman smiling and pointing at her newly whitened teeth

When you’re looking for a brighter, whiter smile, your dentist may recommend teeth whitening. This cosmetic treatment can benefit your teeth, but you may wonder if you’re eligible. If you have damaged enamel, can you still whiten your teeth? Continue reading to learn more about teeth whitening, including if you can receive this treatment with […]

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Are Cavities Contagious?

A woman holding the side of her face due to cavity pain

Without proper dental care, you may experience a cavity. Cavities can seem like nothing, but decay can significantly affect the functionality of your tooth. Cavities develop due to bacteria, so are they contagious?  Continue reading to learn more about cavities, including how they develop and if they’re contagious.  What Are Cavities?  Cavities, also known as […]

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