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Category: Dental Health

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Jaw Clenching Headaches: Treatment Options

A young patient unknowingly grinding their teeth while sleeping.

When stress or anxiety becomes part of daily life, many people unknowingly respond by clenching their jaws or grinding their teeth.
Teeth grinding, or bruxism, can lead to a range of issues, with tension headaches being one of the most common. And factors other than stress, such as bite misalignment, can contribute to teeth grinding. […]

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What Does a Cavity Feel Like?

a woman is holding her mouth as she feels discomfort brushing her teeth from a cavity.

Attention all dental health enthusiasts and parents! Whether you’re looking for ways to maintain your pearly whites or aiming to guide your children on their dental journey, understanding what a cavity feels like is essential for restorative dentistry. Some common signs include:  Sensitivity to sugary foods Mild toothache Chewing discomfort Sharp pain  Visible holes or […]

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